Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s cooks took to social media a while again to share a video of them cooking scrumptious gadgets of their kitchen. However what caught our eyes was the lower household photograph of the actors with their daughter Raha Kapoor stored of their kitchen.
Their stunning kitchen boasts all fashionable gear and home equipment. On their fridge, they caught magnets of animated animals. And in one other nook of the kitchen, we might see a home made image of them with their daughter Raha.
On the work entrance, Ranbir and Alia are at present making ready for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and Battle which additionally stars Vicky Kaushal in a key function. That is the couple’s second movie after Brahmastra Half One: Shiva. Alia additionally has Alpha within the pipeline with Sharvari.
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