Mainichi Broadcasting System Inc. has formally introduced the Dan Da Dan Season 2 launch date for the subsequent installment of the hit anime collection, primarily based on the manga collection by Yukinobu Tatsu. This comes after the paranormal coming-of-age present’s season finale, which ends in a cliffhanger involving Okarun, Momo, Jiji, and Turbo Granny’s subsequent enemy.
When is the Dan Da Dan Season 2 launch date?
Dan Da Dan Season 2 is scheduled to premiere subsequent summer time in July 2025 on Crunchyroll. The present hails from animation studio Science SARU (The Colours Inside; Scott Pilgrim Takes Off), with Fuga Yamashiro directing from a screenplay written by Hiroshi Seko.
The Dan Da Dan is described as an electrifying, action-packed love letter to sci-fi and horror with the guts of a ruthlessly humorous teen rom-com. The voice solid contains Shion Wakayama (Lycoris Recoil) as Momo, Natsuki Hanae (Demon Slayer) as Okarun, Mayumi Tanaka (One Piece) as Turbo Granny, Ayane Sakura as Aira, Kaito Ishikawa as Jiji, and extra. It options unique music from Chainsaw Man’s Kensuke Ushio, with Fuga Yamashiro directing the anime.
“It follows Momo, a highschool woman from a household of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult freak. The 2 of them begin speaking after Momo rescues Okarun from getting bullied. Nevertheless, an argument ensues between them – Momo believes in ghosts however denies aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens however denies ghosts,” reads the official synopsis. “To make the mutual deniers imagine in one another, Momo goes to an deserted hospital recognized for its UFO sightings, and Okarun goes to a tunnel that’s stated to be haunted. In every place, they encounter overwhelming paranormal exercise that transcends comprehension. Amid these predicaments, Momo awakens her hidden energy and Okarun features the facility of a curse to problem the paranormal forces! Their fateful love begins as properly!?”