The couple have been seen strolling in the direction of the Gateway of India. They waved on the paparazzi whereas Virat greeted them. They have been just lately photographed in Vrindavan with their youngsters Vamika Kohli and Akaay Kohli. Whereas Vamika and Akaay’s faces have been hidden, the household of 4 appeared to hunt blessings from Premanand Maharaj at a temple. Furthermore, the couple, who’s reportedly contemplating shifting to the UK, celebrated their daughter Vamika’s birthday in India. She turned 4 on January 11, 2025.
Virat and Anushka have been additionally noticed attending a kirtan in Mumbai in October 2024. In addition they attended a kirtan in London collectively. Their religious facet is being liked by followers who’re wishing success and happiness for the couple.
Check out their newest pictures beneath: