Ranveer Singh, the versatile actor, who was just lately blessed with a child daughter, Dua, was noticed on the non-public airport returning to Mumbai. Followers couldn’t preserve calm because the actor seemed dashing in his informal but trendy apparel. Ranveer is now wanting ahead to spending extra time along with his new child daughter Dua and spouse, Deepika Padukone.
Ranveer was final seen in Singham Once more, the place his efficiency obtained immense reward. The movie, directed by Rohit Shetty, was a box-office hit, with audiences loving his impactful function.
Now, all eyes are on Ranveer’s upcoming challenge, Don 3, a highly-anticipated movie that guarantees to take the franchise to new heights. The movie has already created buzz within the business, with followers eagerly awaiting its launch.
See Additionally: A Roundup Of Deepika Padukone And Ranveer Singh’s Movies