Shah Rukh Khan lately impressed the viewers at a personal occasion in Delhi. The Bollywood celebrity grooved to the monitor Jhoome Jo Pathaan and gave an electrifying efficiency as regular. SRK appeared dapper in a black shirt which he paired with trousers of the identical color. He appeared much more fashionable as he placed on a diamond-studded brooch and black shades.
The group went berserk as he set the stage on hearth together with his power and swag. SRK was additionally seen grooving with the company on the occasion. Watch the movies right here:
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OMG! @iamsrk, you are on hearth with that look and power! 🔥#ShahRukhKhan
— ðÂÂ�˜šðÂÂ�˜¢ðÂÂ�˜³ðÂÂ�˜¢ðÂÂ�˜¯ðÂÂ�˜´ðÂÂ�˜© (@Cinem3ooo) December 5, 2024
Shah Rukh Khan will quickly be seen in King together with his daughter Suhana Khan. In an earlier interview, he known as the Sujoy Ghosh-directed movie ” a messy, emotional movie.”
Apart from this, he additionally voiced the character of Mufasa for the Hindi model of Mufasa: The Lion King. His son Aryan Khan voiced Mufasa’s son Simba whereas AbRam Khan did the voiceover for Mufasa’s youthful model. The movie is ready to launch on December 20.