Lilly Singh lately shared a video with Sidharth Malhotra, the place the duo is dancing to the actor’s 2016 hit music Kar Gayi Chull from the film Kapoor & Sons. The 2, wearing uber cool garments dance to the monitor in sync. Additionally they incorporate comical steps, making it a hilarious but heartwarming watch.
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The actor wore a graphic black t-shirt with blue denims and a denim jacket, whereas Lilly donned a brown and white striped shirt and black trousers. Lilly tried to make a playful faux moustache at situations, whereas Sidharth continued with some hilarious dance steps.
Lilly tagged Sidharth in her submit and wrote, “You weren’t allowed to go to deal with events, so now you make dancing reels with pal.” Praising Alia Bhatt, who carried out within the monitor, she additionally wrote, “Clearly not as cute as @aliaabhatt however God is aware of we’re making an attempt!” Followers took to the feedback to reward Sidharth and Lilly for a hearty watch.
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